Our Sin Or Debt To God!
Series The Lords Prayer (Radio North)
Today the Rev Ivan Foster looks at sin as a debt to God. All men are debtors to God. Man has this debt which he never can pay by himself. Man cannot work his way out of this debt and every time we sin our debts increase. The law condemns debts that are not paid and sooner or later God will call on the debts which you owe Him. God has provided Christ as a Holy Sacrifice and only by Him taking our sins can we ever stand before God as a forgiven man. Christ offers free release from this debt call on Him today to save and forgive you and you too will be debt free!
Sermon ID | 61205122412 |
Duration | 14:52 |
Date | Nov 9, 2000 |
Category | Radio Broadcast |
Bible Text | Matthew 6:11 |
Language | English |
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