The Ultimate Question...
The Ultimate Question
(Isaiah 53 ; Acts 8:33)
The two questions in Psalm 15 moved me to pay attention and seek out other questions in the Word that are asked by men and some by God.
The two in Psalm 15 is man asking God:
“Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?
This great questions comes with answers or further explanations... but what about the opened ended questions that we are left to answer?
In Psalm 22 we find God asking God a question... without an answer that is left in our laps to answer.
My God, My God, why have You forsake Me? Why are You so far from helping Me, and from the words of my groaning?
Moreover, WHO will declare His time upon the earth? [He can’t, For He was cut off from the land of the living: for the transgressions of MY people He was stricken...
The question is asked again in the Newer Testament, by who?
Acts 8:33
Again, Who will proclaim His life and days? For His life is taken from the earth.”
The question every soul must answer?
The ultimate question that demands an extraordinary response that will cost you everything... either way you answer.
But beware, because it is the ultimate question, that demands an extraordinary response, how you answer will determine more and cost you more than any other answer you’ll ever give in this life. (Isaiah 53 ; Acts 8:33 ; Mark 8:34-38 ; Luke 24:44-47)
Who will take notice and consider what He did that they may proclaim His days... the rest of their days?
Rich's Dog getting in the paint...
The evidence of the Master's work has a way of getting on us
Sermon ID | 5718826239 |
Duration | 31:27 |
Date | May 7, 2018 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Acts 8:33; Isaiah 53; Psalm 15 |
Language | English |