
1108 Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, the Ear Pt-12

Here we open with Jonathan Edward's writing of what God had revealed to him of His glory. Then we continue the study of our miraculous ears as we move into such intricacy and complexity that it is hard to believe that all the sub-microscopic materials in our bodies came from only two cells that divided and changed until they became over 200 different types of material appearing in the exact right places and at the right time and in the right amount and connected to the right cell next to it.
In Jonathan Edward's short writing on the glory of God we should begin to wonder why there is such a void on this all important subject. We know that everything we do as believers, including eating and drinking is to be done to the glory of God. So where are the messages that instruct us how to do it? If God asked us to write down all we do for His glory the list would almost certainly be about what we have done for Him and for others. This may help build churches by encouraging members to lay up treasures but it has nothing to do with glorifying God. It would however glorify those who wrote the list. The glory of God existed before us and always will, it's not about us.

May 6, 2022
Psalm 50:15; Psalm 139:14
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