
The AfterLifePT2Bb_09

THE AFTERLIFE PART 2Bb May 27, 2020 / 4 Sivan 5780 Revelation 5:12 In this closing burst of praise, all the angels and every creature in the universe joined together to worship the Redeemer. What a cascade of harmony John heard! In this hymn, they stated those things that Jesus Christ deserved to receive because of His sacrificial death on the cross. When He was on earth, people did not ascribe these things to Him; for many of these things He deliberately laid aside in His humiliation..He was born in weakness and He died in weakness; but He is the recipient of all power. He became the poorest of the poor (2 Cor. 8:9), and yet He owns all the riches of heaven and earth. Men laughed at Him and called Him a fool; yet He is the very wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24; Col. 2:3).He shared in the sinless weaknesses of humanity as He hungered, thirsted, and became weary. Today in glory, He possesses all strength. On earth, He experienced humiliation and shame as sinners ridiculed and reviled Him. They laughed at His kingship and attired Him in a mock robe, crown, and scepter. But all of that is changed now! He has received all honor and glory!And blessing! He became a curse for us on the cross (Gal. 3:13), so that we can never be under the curse of the broken Law. 2. How Can Heaven Affect My Life Now? 5 specific areas that affect our lives now by being heavenly minded. 1. Motivation for EVANGELISM John 14:62. Wise use of FINANCES Matthew 6:19-21 3. Serving the NEEDY Matthew 25:34-40 4. Endurance in SUFFERING 2 COR. 4:16-18 5. Easing of ANXIETIES COLOSSIANS 3:1-2

May 27, 2020
Bible Study
Psalm 16:11; Revelation 5:12
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