
The Fickle Flatterer

The Fickle Flatterer

I despise a flatterer... they're some of the worse people on the planet. A gossip comes in a close second. A gossip is one who says things behind your back...that they'd NEVER say to your face. They remind me of a nasty dog that gets in your trash and spreads it throughout the community but never comes back to clean it up. And a flatterer says things to your face that they'd NEVER say behind your back. A flatterer may leave you with a sweet taste in your mouth but beware... they're only baiting you for the trap. Trust the Lord, if they gossip WITH you, they'll gossip ABOUT you. If they'll flatter people that you know they can't stand, they'll butter you up to get what they want out you too.

A good name is worth more… than anything a fickle flatterer can offer you. Choose those who have a good name to glean and grow with in this life… good names and good natures go hand and hand. But don't let just anyone tell you who they think is good… let wisdom guide you through the selecting process. She will give you the insights you need on who eats at her table and enjoys her company.

#nestingwithjesus #proverbs #proverbs22 #proverbs20 #proverbs21 #friendships #names #scoffer #fool #talebearer #gossip #flatterer #thefickleflatterer #bribes #poor #politics

May 27, 2022
Sunday School
Proverbs 21; Proverbs 22
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