
The Difficult Road to Jerusalem

Review: Main Divisions in the Book of Acts

I. From Ephesus to Tyre 21:1-6

The Book of Romans written – 58 A.D. – from Corith.
Paul’s 5th visit to Jerusalem and Paul seized in the Temple – 58 A.D.
Paul in Prison at Caesarea – 58-60 A.D. (recorded in Acts)
Journey to Rome (from Autumn of 60 A.D. to Spring of 61 A.D.
First Roman Imprisonment 61-63 A.D. (2 years and ends the Book of Acts)
The Following Epistles are written during this time
Between the 1st and 2nd Roman Imprisonment 63 A.D. to 67 A.D.
These are silent years – Paul’s whereabouts unknown to us.
At the end of this time, 1 Timothy and Titus are written.
2nd Roman Imprisonment and death 68 A.D.
2 Timothy written
Paul’s execution at the hands of Nero.

II. From Tyre to Jerusalem 21:7-16

A. Phillip and His Daughters 7-9
They were those who helped fulfill the prophecy given on the day of Pentecost
as Peter quotes from Joel – Acts 2:17-18

B. Agabus and His Prophecy 10-11

C. “Let the Will of the Lord be Done” 12-14

D. Arriving in Jerusalem 15-16

III. The Gospel Paul Proclaimed

A.  Repentance and Faith  Acts 20:21-24

B.  Jesus Christ is the Focus of the Gospel   1 Corinthians 15:1-4 

C.  The Gospel Expanded  -- Romans 1
May 17, 2015
Sunday Service
Acts 21:1-16
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