
Everywhere Present!

You and I are limited by time, space, and distance. We cannot be at two different places at the same time! Plus during this time of social distancing and travel restrictions, many of us cannot be with the ones that we love. Many might feel alone! But there is One who knows no limitations, who can be everywhere present at once in the totality of His being. And that one person is GOD! Knowing that God is present with us always is a source of COURAGE when facing challenges in life. His presence also COMFORTS in time of dire need. Plus, knowing God is always there enables us to be CONTENT with what we have, for we know that He will never leave us nor forsake us! Better than a Master Card, our Master, GOD, is everywhere we want to go, ready to help us in our time of need!

May 17, 2020
Sunday Service
Genesis 16:7-13; Psalm 139:7-13
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