
The Voice of Harry Ironside

Far too often we forget the wonderful ways that God worked in the mighty revivals of old. We also forget the testimony of the men that God used. Mighty men. Men who prayed and preached under the power of the Holy Ghost. Through electronic means, some of these voices have been preserved so we can remember voices from the past.

Henry Allan Ironside was born to godly parents in 1876. At the age of 12, he had the privilege of hearing D. L. Moody preach. He was saved at 14 and began preaching immediately and throughout Los Angeles he was known as the 'boy preacher.' Dr. Harry Ironside, as he was known best, went on to become a great Bible student and wonderful teacher. He spent 18 years of his life as the minister of the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago and in 1935 he preached the funeral of Billy Sunday. Like Paul the Apostle, Dr. Ironside took every opportunity to witness for Christ.

Buy this and other digitally-remastered rare recordings and sermons on a high-quality Audio CD. Follow the link below! (Copyright © 2004 Ambassador-Emerald Productions, www.emeraldhouse.com).

May 13, 2004
Classic Audio
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