
Shepherding the Flock

  1. Christ purchased the church by his own blood.
  2. Christ, the Chief Shepherd, cares for his church through elders.
  3. Elders are to keep watch over the souls entrusted to their care.
  4. Elders will give an account for their shepherding of the flock.

Preparing your heart for the sermon:
-How did the church come to be? How is the church described in the NT?
-What does a shepherd do for sheep? How does that describe how elders are to serve the church?
-What does it look like for elders to pay careful attention to all the flock and exercise oversight? What does that entail?
-Other passages to consider: Ezek 34:1-10; John 10:7-18, 22-30; Acts 20:17-32; Col 1:28-29; 1 Thess 2:1-12; 1 Tim 3:1-7; Heb 13:7-9, 12-21

Digging Deeper:
-How does a man become an elder? Who puts him in that position?
-How, practically speaking, can elders keep watch over the souls of the church?
-Given God's design, what responsibility do Christians have to the church and to elders?
-What should motivate elders to diligently care for the flock? What should not motivate them?

May 12, 2019
Sunday Service
1 Peter 5:1-4; Acts 20:28
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