
Messiah Adored

In the first verse of our text we are introduced to the three main characters who will occupy our exposition: Jesus, Herod, and the Magi. Herod and the Magi represent the two kinds of people who come to Jesus: The Magi in adoration and faith, and Herod in murder and rebellion. Herod exemplifies what human nature has become because of sin. The Magi model what a sinner may become through grace. Although Arab by decent, Herod was raised as Jew, in fact he even claimed the title, “king of the Jews,” whereas the Magi were outsiders both in race and profession – they were Gentile astrologers. The irony of the Christmas account is that it is the outsiders, the Magi, who seek, find and worship Israel’s Messiah, while the insider’s leadership, Herod, seeks to kill his people’s most sought-after king. It was the Magi and not the “king of the Jews” who God invited to witness the coming of the Jewish Messiah into the world.

May 10, 2015
Sunday Service
Matthew 2:1-12
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