
Blessings in Blood

Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ:
I have cut-off the heads of many chickens and ducks. I've watched sheep, goats, and even a cow being killed. It is not pleasant. Those animals died (though unwillingly) so I might live!

That picture is true in a spiritual sense as well. God, reflecting his justice and holiness, requires that for new spiritual life to come, there must be the shedding of blood…Someone had to (willingly) give his life for you to live. You will hear about this today.

Our headings are:

  1. Adam received faith
  2. Adam received encouragement
  3. Adam received protection

Our goals are:
That you will confirm the only way you are redeemed from the curse of the Fall is to rest in the bloody sacrifice that Christ was for your sins.

Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Service
Genesis 3:20-24
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