
The Risen Lord_29

The Risen Lord John 20:1-31 the chapter opens with Mary Magdalene discovering the empty tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week. Distraught, she runs to tell Simon Peter and another disciple, who rush to see for themselves. Finding only burial cloths, they return home puzzled. Mary remains outside the tomb weeping and encounters two angels who ask her why she's crying. Then, she encounters Jesus himself, but doesn't recognize him until he calls her name. Jesus instructs her to tell the disciples that he's ascending to the Father. Later, Jesus appears to his disciples, showing them his wounds and breathing the Holy Spirit upon them. Thomas, initially skeptical, later believes when he sees Jesus and his wounds firsthand. John concludes by stating that the signs written in his gospel are meant to inspire faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, so that readers might have life in his name.

Apr 24, 2024
Midweek Service
John 20
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