
The Threefold Cord - Importance of Christian Education

This sermon was preached in Ballymoney FPC on Lord's day morning 15th April at the request of the Church Session.

There is a Scriptural rule found in Eccl 4:12. It reads: a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

A few verses before we have the statement that two are better than one, v9. But here in v12 it is a threefold cord….

This Biblical rule highlights for us the three essential aspects to the environment, that God's Word states, children should be reared and instructed in:

[1] The Christian Home. The father and mother must be right with God and be those who walk with God and have their home as a place where God is honoured, obeyed and served.

[2] The Church. The Church must be faithful to the faith once delivered to the saints. If it is compromising with the world or with religious apostasy then that failure will be most clearly seen the rising generation. They will be lost to the world.

[3] The School - their place of learning. The Word of God has much to say about how parents are to bring up their children. Two is better than one but let us not forget the rule in Eccl 4:12. There must not be in school an undoing of that which is taught in the home and the Church.

Apr 15, 2012
Sunday - AM
Genesis 49:22-26
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