
Calvinism, Christ & The Cross

Religion News Service recently ran a article by Jonathan Merritt entitled 'Author says Calvinism can't make sense of the cross'.

In the article Merritt conducts an interview with Austin Fischer author of the book, 'Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey In and Out of Calvinism.'

Kevin DeYoung did a review of Fischer's book on his blog at the Gospel Coalition. In the introduction to the review DeYoung provides a brief summary of the book and the major issues it raises.

He writes, 'In eleven crisp chapters, Fischer tells the story of how the image of God in the face of Christ compelled him to leave Reformed Christianity behind in favor of a picture of God that is more loving and more satisfying.'

Fischer embraced Calvinism in high school but in college found himself unable to defend it. His difficulties centered on the doctrine of reprobation.

Fischer said he found it impossible to reconcile reprobation with the rest of the Bible. A key question for Fischer became “Does the God of Calvinism accurately depict the God revealed in Jesus?” and for Fischer the answer is a resounding no. Jesus, he says, shows us a “crucified-for-sinners God” while Calvinism gives us a “creates-sinners-in-order-to-crucify-them God”.

Thus Fischer concludes Calvinism should be rejected.

On the program today, my guest will be John Samson - pastor of King’s Church in Phoenix, Arizona,and author of the book, “Twelve What Abouts – Answering Common Objections Concerning God’s Sovereignty in Election”. John also manages a blog called Effectual Grace (www.EffectualGrace.com)

Apr 15, 2014
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