
3/31/2024 Q/A

Key Moments:

Introduction 00:00

  • Pastor Campbell provides instructions for contacting them and asks for questions from the audience.
  • A question is raised about whether the serpent had legs before the curse in the Garden of Eden.

The Serpent in the Garden of Eden 00:00

  • Discussion on whether the serpent had legs before the curse is explored.
  • Reference to Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 to identify the serpent as the devil and Satan.
  • Interpretation of the stones of fire and the devil's presence in the context of the Holy Mountain of God.

The Shape of the Earth 20:41

  • Debate on the shape of the Earth, flat versus round, and the interpretation of biblical references.
  • Explanation of the firmament and its meaning in biblical context.
  • Reference to Proverbs 8:27 and Isaiah 65 regarding the circle of the Earth.

Lukewarm Believers 49:24

  • Analysis of the passage in Revelation 3 addressing lukewarm believers.
  • Discussion on the consequences of being lukewarm and the interpretation of being spewed out of God's mouth.
  • Emphasis on the need for repentance and belief in the gospel.

Closing Remarks and Prayer 01:09:16

  • Conclusion with a song "Child of the King" and a prayer.
Mar 31, 2024
Sunday - PM
Ezekiel 28; Revelation 3
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