
But Jesus Hid Himself

The arguing and accusations of the Jews progressed to hostility and hatred toward Jesus. His gentle but plain rebukes had been met with increased contempt and hatred. All who reject God and his righteousness do so by rejecting the messenger God sent to them. The truth, plainly spoken, will have this same effect on most people still. Most are like these Jews and are hiding behind their religion, which is a personalized portfolio of what they have made up for themselves from the different ideas and practices they have picked up along their way. They are looking for affirmation of their own ways and ideas, and grow hostile quickly at any suggestion they could be wrong, or lacking in any area of their understanding or life. It is not common now for people to literally pick up stones to stone someone, but it is common for them to hate and try to destroy someone they disagree with. Beware, because the consequence of that is that the Lord hides himself and walks away from you.

Apr 12, 2024
Sunday - AM
John 8:59; John 8:21
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