1100 Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, The Ear Pt-7&8
Series Our Timeless Creator Re-edited
These two half lessons are re-edited into one that considers the genius in God's design of our Auditory Canal and starts into the Middle Ear. Here the complexity continues to increase exponentially from the complexities of the Auditory Canal and then to ultra slight movement of the ear Drum required for us to perceive sounds.
In Daniel 12, the prophecy was made that knowledge would be increased in the last days before Jesus Christ's return. Then in 2 Timothy 3, we are told that perilous times would come and part of that would include people who would be ever learning but unable to come to the knowledge of the truth. Or put another way, they would learn of incredible things and still be able to believe in vain imaginations.
The amount of things necessary just to communicate by speaking and hearing reach levels of intricacy still not understood by modern science, and yet many still believe in the existence of a gigantic explosion that came from nothing and resulted in life much more complicated than everything man can design or built.
Sermon ID | 3422855236625 |
Duration | 27:53 |
Date | Mar 4, 2022 |
Category | Teaching |
Bible Text | Hebrews 11:6; Psalm 111:2 |
Language | English |