
Doom of Damascus & A Tribulation Survival Guide

Russia just sold cruise & anti-ship missiles capable of tipping the scale in the deadly power struggle with Israel. Are we close to Isaiah 17 & the destruction of Damascus? For centuries, skeptics who deny God's Word is reliable and inspired—have pointed to one entire chapter of the Bible that describes an event that has never happened. That event is the prophesied end of the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world.

As you open with me to Luke 21 we are continuing our Tribulation Survival Guide. Christ's words to those during the deadliest hours earth has known. Note just one part of His message, verse 28.

Luke 21:28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

What things would we look for if we could see things that “begin” to happen?

May I suggest one very powerful prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled? There is an amazing chapter in God's Word that declares the complete destruction of a certain city, an unmistakable city, a clearly identified city named Damascus—that is a reminder of what is coming.

This morning turn your attention with me to Damascus. Start with me in Acts 9:2. Where was Paul headed the day God intercepted him? Damascus. He was on the Damascus Road that heads out from Jerusalem through a gate called even to this day--the Damascus Gate. Now turn back in your Bibles to Isaiah 17.

Feb 6, 2005
Sunday - AM
Luke 21:7-36
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