
The Father's Love

  1. Making distinctions. If you love you will necessarily hate what is opposite to love.
  2. Making choices according to those distinctions. Your love for something will cause you to make choices.
  3. Experiencing the consequences of those choices
    Love then becomes costly. So with God… "Who delivered up Jesus to die? Not Judas for money; not polite for fear; not the Jews for envy; but the Father for love." (Octavious Winslow)
    At the same time that the Father was delivering up His Son, punishing Him with all His wrath against sinners, He was loving Him with the greatest amount of love as He watched His unbending sacrificial obedience.
    "Love consists of three parts: Thomas Manton (1620 - 1677)
    First, it is a 'Desire' to become one with the object loved. UNITION. "Could it be You would really rather die than live without us?" (Michael Card)
    Second, it 'Delights' when that union occurs.
    Third, it exhibits itself in a 'Deluge' of generous giving in order both to attain and to retain that union."
  4. This verse sets up a comparison, the logic from greater to lesser.
  5. What is the universe of the "All's" ?
  6. "God is love" doesn't imply that God loves you "just the way I am with no change necessary."
  7. Sometimes you might be tempted to think that what God is doing to and with you doesn't feel like love at all (as with Job). But learn to interpret His Providence by His Promise.
  8. How does the Father manifest His love for us today? Well, in various ways, but one way in particular applies to the church. He loves us through the church and commands us to love one another with His love.
Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Service
Romans 8:32
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