
Christ's Humiliation: God became Servant (Condescension)

As we begin to follow Christ's humiliation downward in Phil 2:6-8, we first look at Christ, who though in very nature God, condescended to take the nature of a bondservant.

Christ's example as a humble servant is seen in His laying aside His rights and privileges and serving those who deserve none of it. He exemplifies Paul's earlier exhortation in Phil 2:3-4 to lay aside selfish ambition and personal glory in order to consider others and their interests as more important.

Christ's purposeful example of washing His disciples' feet (John 13) is the almost perfect picture of what Paul writes for us in Phil 2:6-7.

I. Christ is God (v6)
A. Existence as God (6a)
1. Essential point of passage
2. Existed prior and always
3. Essence as God
4. Testimony of Scripture
B. Equality with God (6b)
1. Robbery
2. Equality
3. Accuracy
II. Christ is Servant (v7)
A. Emptied Himself (7a)
1. The Content
2. The Context
B. Became Servant (7b)
1. In Essence
2. As a Servant
III. Christ as Servant & Savior in John 13
A. Example of Christ as Servant
B. Example of Christ as Savior

Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Service
John 13:1-17; Philippians 2:6-7
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