Jesus' Coming with the Clouds
Series Sermons from Daniel
In this passage the Lord Jesus is given dominion over the earthly kingdoms formerly ruled by the 4th beast. The sermon begins by indentifying the figure of the beast both here and also prominent in Revelation Ch. 13-19 (also showing how America is increasingly aligning itself with the kingdom of the beast). At his ascension Jesus came with the clounds of heaven to receive this same kingdom from God the Father. The sermon develops: 1) The central figure in Dan. 7:13-14, especially the significence of the Messianic title "Son of Man"; 2) The commission given to the Son of Man when he is given this kindgom; and 3) The time fulfillment of these things. In many ways this passage is crucial to understanding Bible prophecy. The sermon concludes by showing how eschatological perspectives of pre-millennialism and a-millennialism diminish the honor that belongs to the conquering Son of Man.
Sermon ID | 3141015564810 |
Duration | 1:12:52 |
Date | Mar 14, 2010 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Daniel 7:13-14 |
Language | English |