
The Call of Abraham: Hindrances

In our survey of the first 11 chapters of Genesis, we mainly saw God's holy justice and wrath demonstrated through acts of judgment. It starts with kicking Adam and Eve out of the garden after the fall, to Caine's punishment, to the flood and lastly the confusion of tongues.

However, starting in chapter 12 the tone changes decisively. Moving forward, we will start to see God's attributes of mercy, love and grace extended to a man called Abraham and his descendants.

The author of Hebrews in 12:1 states: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses". In the book of Genesis and throughout the Bible, there is no greater witness to look up to and emulate than Abraham. His shadow stretches over the entire bible old and new testaments.

He was a nomad whose life is characterized by two things, faith in, and obedience to, his God. So the name of our series studying his life will be called: Abraham, a journey of faith and obedience. In our study this Sunday we will focus on his call. Our outline will be broken to 3 main parts (of which this message covers the first).

Hindrances to the call 11:27-32
The nature of the call 12:1-3
Full obedience to the call 12:4-9

May our study of Abraham's life will motivate us to do "the works Abraham did," as our Lord challenged the Jews to do.

Feb 7, 2023
Sunday Service
Genesis 11:27-32
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