
The Teaching of Jezebel in Thyatira

This is a letter to the church in Thyratira -a local church in modern day Turkey. Christ is walking among the "lampstands" – the churches. He is observing everything. This text before us what can happen
to a church in a secular society. It brings to mind what is one of the blessings of a gathered church. Everyone has been somewhere and been thinking about something… and it affects the church itself. Everyone is not the same. In this church there were three parties: There was a teaching or a teacher, Jezebel, that needed to be condemned. Second, there were followers of that teacher who
needed to repent of their sins. Third, there were people who were doing very well in that church, and they were not following that teaching.

Feb 7, 2021
Sunday Service
Revelation 2:18-29
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