
Alleged Books of Enoch and Jasher, Fictions and Frauds (Video)

This message preached by Bro. Adams was beautifully incorporated into a video presentation by Bro. Mike Ripplinger, to whom we express our sincere gratitude for his painstaking labor and masterful videography.
This first part of a two-part message exposes the two extra-biblical books used to support the nephilim or demigod theory: Enoch and Jasher, BOTH of which are filled with fallacious fairy tales, heresies and contradictions of scripture, and neither of which are genuine.

There are two general positions debated among good Christians as to the identity of the "sons of God" in Genesis 6:1-4. However, because "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" (2 Peter 1:20), of these two opposing positions, only one can be correct.

This two-part message explains why the pop-view and its resulting Nephilim/Alien infatuation promoted by Thomas Horn, Steve Quayle, LA Marzulli and others, that the sons of God in that chapter are fallen angels who abduct and mate with human women to produce a cross-bred race of monstrous giants called the Nephilim, is BY FAR the least Biblical and most objectionable of the two positions.

Part One of the series lays out the two opposing views, exposes the folly of reliance upon extra-biblical sources such as the alleged books of Jasher and Enoch, and exposes those two sources as fabricated frauds filled with fantasy, fairy tales, folklore, and outright HERESY. Those that rely on these sources to support their position do so to their own shame and embarrassment.

Feb 7, 2017
Video DVD
2 Timothy 2:14-16; Genesis 6:1-4
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