
1097 Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, The Ear Pt-4

This continues to describe the unseen connection from a sound source to the ear. The invisible air molecules that conduct the complex vibrations that allow us to speak and hear are another miracle that we take for granted because we can't observe what is happening.
Sound waves are similar to ripples in a still pool from a small stone that travel outward and then return when encountering objects or shore lines, without actually creating a current flow in the water. Accept that the very elastic and invisible air molecules allow the sound waves to travel outward in every direction at the same time and return as echoes from encountered objects, all at different times. This creates an innumerable number of waves from a single vibration moving our eardrums, but there is more. Not only are there a myriad of intentional waves created in speaking but the air is filled with many other sounds from nature and equipment also. All of these vibrations are separated by our amazing ears and sent to our brains to be interpreted.
All this had to be part of God's design before He began to create, but just like children who are focused on themselves we don't think about these things being the result of the phenomenal creation that we live in, or why we are here.

Feb 5, 2022
Psalm 139:14
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