The INFLOW and OVERFLOW... of His Spirit and Presence
Series Family
Family Series (Richardson Baptist: Message 2 of 7)
“The INFLOW and OVERFLOW... of His Spirit and Presence” (Ephesians 5)
His Presence... Makes The Difference
Kingdom work, done the kingdom way, under kingdom wisdom, is followed by kingdom glory! One of the biggest problems we could be facing with those that they haven't seen His glory because they haven't seen us at work for Him. They've seen us work but have they seen us surrender our work to Him? They've watched us work but have the noticed Him at work? May I suggest that it could be, they haven’t’ seen Him at work in us because we haven’t asked Him to let His work appear to us nor have we asked Him to manifest His glory, through our work, to our children.
May we ask for His favor and that His beauty be upon us! May He light a fire in us and use it to illuminate a path for generations that follow.
Daddy and momma... I encourage you to take the lead and start asking Him to deliver you from lies and falsehood and that He will make His work appear and then get busy with what He shows you.
A growing love is a witness to a growing testimony of grace. Glory... when our love expands and abounds, so does the depth and reach of our personal testimony.
A growing love is a wise love... and a wise love doesn't merely react to others or opposition, and it doesn’t jump to unwarranted conclusions, a growing love humbly and graciously and wisely responds with purpose, but never with arrogance or pride.
The right kind of love isn’t the kind of love that makes excuses why it can’t expand and grow.
A growing love stretches our patience with people and our perseverance when persecuted
Sermon ID | 22718746216 |
Duration | 51:59 |
Date | Feb 27, 2018 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Ephesians 5 |
Language | English |