
1065.1 The Creator's Genius Pt-5 (see PDF for illustrations)

This message looks at how God designed the simple chicken egg to continue the species and for a food supply that is harmless to the chicken. Eggs were created by God as He spoke, "Be fruitful and multiply and let the fowl multiply in the earth". That is all He needed to do.
It's easy to be impressed by the complexity and size of the Space Station or nanotechnology that functions on a microscopic level, but the simple chicken egg is still much more amazing. We just don't notice it because the genius on display on this earth has become ordinary and we have lost that feeling of amazement that a child feels when they have a new experience.
What size factory would it take make eggs? Then how could it be designed so blood vessels and a heart all started growing in the right places from a single fertilized cell? Even if we could make such a thing, how is it possible to build a clock into it so that on day five the heart would come to life automatically to supply circulation for making bones, eyes, feathers and another complete reproductive system? And yet God put it all inside chicken eggs.
It's easy for experts to explain how they were able to accomplish amazing things because there was a progression to follow, but to speak matter into existence requires the ability to convert energy into substance and that's far beyond man's understanding.
(see the PDF for the conclusion of the introduction)

Feb 5, 2021
Genesis 1:20-23; Psalm 145:2-6
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