
Stand Fast

The Apostle Paul's exhortation to the Galatians to "stand fast, and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage," had immediate application to the issue he was addressing in the epistle, to resist those who were attempting to bring them back under bondage to the Mosaic Law. But the application to our lives is that we must stand fast in ANY area where the Lord Jesus has set us free - which primarily applies to the freedom He has given us from both the penalty and power of SIN. When the Lord Jesus said, "if the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed," He meant that we can be FREE INDEED from sin's penalty and sin's power. No truly born-again Christian has any reason or EXCUSE for being in bondage or addiction to sin - whether it is pornography, lust, alcohol, tobacco, love of money, or any other sin. What must we do to get out and stay out of these addictions? STAND FAST - and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage.

Dec 2, 2012
Sunday Service
Galatians 5:1; John 8:31-32
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