Watch! Jesus is coming very soon!
INTRO: On December 21, my son-in-law and I walked the short trail through the brightly moon-lit forest to the log cabin overlooking the lake. It was a gorgeous evening. It was -27 degrees cold. The trees were loaded with snow and the moonlight was so bright it made the shadows of the trees look dark and the snow like light, as it sparkled in the brightness of moon-light. We lit the lantern in the cabin and stoked the fire in the little pot bellied heater and drank coffee while the little heater glowed red, as it worked frantically to dispel the cold from inside. The windows sparkled with cold. Outside the bright moon lit up the lake. It was about 10:30 in the evening.
Why were we there? That night, for the first time in my life I would see a ‘blood moon'. It was the first time in nearly 400 years that a blood moon would happen on the shortest day of the year. Many who were aware of this event wondered what the meaning of this blood moon would be? Would Jesus perhaps come now? But we were not there because the chance of Christ's return was any greater on that night than on any other night. We were there to witness this event.
Sermon ID | 13111740290 |
Duration | 40:52 |
Date | Jan 1, 2011 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Matthew 24:3 |
Language | English |