1093 God's Hidden Messages
Series Our Timeless Creator Re-edited
In the first part of this message a comparison is drawn between the relationships of parents and children and our relationship with God, as His children. Then it begins to expose some of God's hidden messages to us and how we misunderstand as we look for what will benefit us instead of realizing that everything that God has made, He made for Himself.
When Jesus calmed the seas by saying "Peace, be still" all the disciples missed the message because their focus was on themselves. Instead of calming down after Jesus removed the danger their fear shifted from drowning to fearing a reprisal from such a powerful being. (See Mark 4:36-41) If their focus had been on Jesus their faith in Him would have increased because He had just given them another example of what a great protector they were following.
We are no different than they were. When trouble comes we become fixated on the problem and exhaust ourselves trying to solve it. As the threat increases our efforts increase and our prayers become more intense instead of remembering the awesome power of the one who has protected us in the past and still is.
Sermon ID | 12312183034788 |
Duration | 28:46 |
Date | Dec 31, 2021 |
Category | Teaching |
Bible Text | Ecclesiastes 9:7-12; Romans 14:7-23 |
Language | English |