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America: Liberty or Tyranny?

[audio message revised, re-preached & replaced by "FREE INDEED" preached on 7-6-2014:]
As America celebrates its "Independence Day" on July 4, it is greatly troubling to those of us that prefer not to bury our heads in the sand, who are aware of the forces of evil that have usurped our once good government and have converted America over the last century from what truly was, once upon a time, the "land of the free and home of the brave," into what is fast becoming a fascist, Marxist, big-brother police state where multi-national corporations control politics, where individual liberties are trampled, and where the US Constitution is lawlessly ignored by those in power. It is further especially disconcerting to see the apathy and ignorance of most Christians, who are so willfully and woefully ignorant of the scriptures that they are willing to submit to evil, and to "pledge allegiance" to the state and render unconditional obedience to the civil authority, ignoring the fact that only God deserves unconditional obedience.

This message is a wake-up call to Christians and a reminder of the Biblical truths upon which this nation was founded; of the demands and limitations that God places on the civil authority and over those who will rule over men, and also of the duty of the Christian to resist evil, and as the apostles said, to obey God rather than men.

Jul 4, 2010
Sunday Service
John 8:23-47; Romans 13:1-7
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