
The Beast and the False Prophet

Continuing with our series of messages on Bible prophecy and its fulfillment in our day, this message begins with an expository teaching on the two "beasts" of Revelation chapter 13, and then explains and presents evidence supporting our position that the prophecy of the second of those two beasts, also known as "the false prophet," will be fulfilled by the Pope of Rome.

The present Pope, Francis, who for the first time in history is also a Jesuit (and is therefore by blood oath in complete subjection to the Superior General of the Jesuit Order, a/k/a the Black Pope), more than any other entity or person on earth, though aided and abetted by other apostates like Rick Warren and Joel Osteen, is now on a mission to unite the religions of the world into one global religion, which will ultimately end in the worship of Lucifer himself.

Dec 7, 2014
Sunday Service
Revelation 13
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