
Am I Too Old for an Angel?

Opening Comments:

  1. Google, "what does an angel look like?
  2. Maybe you have asked some questions concerning angels.
  3. Am I too old for an angel's message?
    I. This is the message to an old man Zacharias – Read Luke 1:5-17
    A. This is their testimony, what we know of them – 6, 7
    B. They were living life, being faithful – 8, 9
    C. Response – 12
    D. The message – 13-17
    E. Elizabeth's response – 24-25
    II. Now the angel Gabriel is sent to a young woman – Luke 1:26-33.
    A. The greeting of greetings – 28, 29
    B. Mary finds herself on God's A list - 30
    C. The message delivered – 31-33
    D. Conversation between Mary & the angel – 34-38
    III. Now angels turn their attention to a group of laborers – Luke 2:8-20
    A. Suddenly an angel appeared among them (unexpected) – 9
    B. Reassurance – 10 - (sounds familiar 1:13, 30).
    C. The message delivered – 10-11
    Closing Comments:
  4. 3 things were common among the angel's appearance to these 3 people(s):
  5. When you hear the gospel message of good news, what do you think?
  6. After the season is over, after you go back to work, living life, after the thrill is gone will you be open to receiving a message from the Lord?
Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Service
Luke 2:8-20
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