
The Minor Prophets Part 9 (Micah)

INTRO: Well, by now we are getting used to looking at the introductory words of the minor prophets for so much of our understanding of the book centers around who wrote the book and when it was written and to whom it was written. So look at verse 1 (read). We note once more that the Lord's message came through words. I have mentioned before that words are incredible things and communication is such a large part of our existence. And in this book, the prophet the Lord chose to reveal His word to was Micah, of Moresheth which was in the southwest of God's land.

The name 'Micah' means, "Who is Like Jahwey, or Jehovah?" And we are told that he prophesied during the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. These kings were kings of Judah, the southern kingdom, although the book is addressed to both kingdoms according to verse 1 which says that this book is written concerning Samaria and Jerusalem. Samaria was the capital of the northern kingdom, and Jerusalem, the capital of the southern kingdom.

Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Service
Micah 1
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