
Will You Take Up the 2011 Bible Reading Challenge?

Did you know that 50% of self-identified Bible-believing Christians only read the Bible once in awhile? 35% never read the Bible at all. Only 15% read the Bible regularly. Among that 15%, an even smaller minority makes it a practice to regularly read the entire Bible.

Where do you stand? Are you among the 35% who never read the Bible at all? Are you among the 50% who only read it now and then? Are you one of the 15% who read the Bible regularly?

If you're one of the small minority of Christians who regularly read the Bible all the way through, we commend you! But if you're among the majority who don't read God's Word systematically, we want to give you a Bible Reading Challenge. We're praying that you will make a commitment to read the Bible all the way through in the coming year.

God's Word says you need to hear everything He has to say, the full panorama of His plan and your place in it. Not understanding the full picture produces Christians who are weak and shallow, parents who are unable to instruct their children in the true faith, Christians who are overdeveloped in some areas of truth but underdeveloped in others, and soldiers who stand unarmored and unarmed for spiritual battle.

In contrast, Paul said that his goal was that every believer would become fully mature in Christ, by being rooted and grounded in the Word (Col. 1:28-2:10). That's our desire for you as well.

Will you take the 2011 Bible Reading Challenge? To request afree Bible Reading Schedule, or a free supply for your church, by clicking the "Contact Us" link at www.teachtheword.org.

Nov 7, 2010
Radio Broadcast
Colossians 1:28
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