
Introduction -- Discerning God's Dwelling Place (Sacred Space)

God with Us: An Examination of Sacred Space - Creation to Consummation.

In this series, we seek to examine the Biblical concept of "The Dwelling Place of God." From a salvation historical perspective, the Bible clearly teaches that the goal of redemptive history is the reconciliation and reunification of man with God. This goal extends to the redemption of the cosmos and the ushering in of perfect order and harmony (Shalom) across the entire created order. The accomplishment of this purpose secures the everlasting institution of what was only introduced in preliminary form in the first creation, and then progressively revealed and portrayed throughout the balance of Old Testament history.

But with the coming of Christ, our Immanuel (God with us), God the Father has accomplished His purpose in full, with only the consummation of that work awaiting the return of our Lord. Our question is this: How do we understand the dwelling place of God as expressed in the Scripture from Eden, to the Tabernacle and the Temple; in the concepts of heaven and God's omnipresence; in the coming of Christ and our union with Him; in the New Heavens and the New Earth as signified by the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven? All of this to say, how does the Biblical concept of God's dwelling place ultimately speak to Christ and His coming according to the eternal purpose of God to "sum up everything in Him (Christ)"? Join us as we journey to sacred space - to the dwelling place of God!

Jan 14, 2007
Sunday Service
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