
The Beginning of Signs_07PT2

The Beginning of Signs_07PT2 John 2:13-25 This was Jesus first Temple cleansing.Jesus finds dishonest merchants selling animals in the Temple.Jesus makes a whip to drive them out.vv.12-15. The Condemning of the thieves.Jesus accuses them of turning His Fathers house into a market place. vv.16-17.We see the ignorance of the Jewish leaders.Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.After Jesus death and resurrection, the disciples understand the full significance of His statement.vv.18-22.Lastly we see the Insincerity of the Jewish Laity.many in Jerusalem profess in belief in Jesus, but for insincere motives.vv.23-25.There were many that believed upon Him, but, as one old writer put, "He had no faith in their faith." Real salvation is not about a profession of faith; it's about a possession of faith. It is about trusting in Jesus and clinging to Him as your only hope!What you really need from Him is Him, and you can't force Him to give you Himself by anything you might say or do! The word for how you get Him is grace.

Nov 15, 2023
Midweek Service
John 2:13-25
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