To Be Pleasing to the Spirit
Series Sermons on Ephesians
In this message I want to bring to your attention, that the object towards which you should strive in living your Christian life to the glory of God, is that you should strive not to grieve the Holy Spirit as Paul says in verse 30. I do not simply want to think of this negatively. Rather I want to bring out the truth conversely. That is, not grieving the Holy Spirit will mean that you will strive to live out the life of Christ within you, deliberately trying to please the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is Christ in You, the hope of glory. The Holy Spirit is leading you into all the truth of God's word. So then, to learn what is pleasing to the Lord is the essence of the Christian life.
Since this is the case I would like us to think together about the specifics of what it means to please the Lord, the Holy Spirit according to these verses. Here in these verses, we learn that in order not to grieve the Spirit, but to please Him and to be blessed by Him in what you are doing day by day, you will have to 1st of all – Put away certain things. Specifically lying and corrupt words. (verses 25 & 29) And 2nd – You have to learn to exhibit new and holy passions, and to refrain from the old ones. (verses 26-28) Let's consider these things now, in greater detail.
Sermon ID | 111824146244166 |
Duration | 28:40 |
Date | Nov 17, 2024 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Ephesians 4:25-30; Mark 3:1-6 |
Language | English |