
Jonah (7) — God's Messengers Running Away — with God's Message

Jonah (7) — God's Messengers Running Away — with God's Message

When the messenger of God, runs from the mission of God, with the message of God.

The Book of Lamentations is written by who?

The book is kind of what?

Why does God send people and nations prophets?

The messenger from God and their messages from God are usually not wanted.... why?

These messages of judgment, wrath, and destruction cannot compare to what?

What gets transferred to Jesus on our behalf?

What is transferred to us when entrust our lives to Jesus?

Any judgment poured out on a people is minute compared to the judgment and wrath upon who?

Do you have trouble going?

Do you have any personal criteria for a church or people to provide for you?

What kind of investment, in a local group of disciples, are you making?

What kind of party is Jonah throwing?

Why does James encourage us to count it all joy when troubles come?

Is a problem, a problem, when you have the solutions to the problem?

Who possesses the solutions to any and all problems we face?

How do we approach Him who has the solutions to the problems we face?

How does God describe water?

Water is at the mercy of what?

What controls or manipulates water?

How did this compare to Jonah?

What about Jacob's son, Reuben (Genesis 49:3-4)

What or who are we grateful for?

What's the difference between a peace-filled life and a stressed-out, disturbed, and unstable life?

What upsets us reveals more about us than what?

What question did He leave open for us to answer?

Jonah Devotion Part 7

#nestingwithjesus #jonah #jonah1 #jonah2 #jonah2and8 #jonah3 #jonah4 #kindness #forsakingkindness #abandoningkindness #releasedfrombeingkind #pr

Jun 28, 2024
Jonah 4
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