
[11/10/2024 AM] - "Clothed in Rich Garments of Christ's Righteousness"

[11/10/2024 AM] -

Rev. Ted Gray, our former pastor, join us to lead us in worship this morning.

Message: Clothed in Rich Garments of Christ's Righteousness
Scripture: Zachariah 3 1-10

Sermon outline:
See, I have taken away your sin and I will put rich garments on you."
Zechariah 3:4b

"Clothed in the Rich Robes of Christ's Righteousness"
Zechariah 3:1-10

I. Zechariah chapter 3 presents a striking picture portraying:

  1. The sinfulness of even the most devout believer (1-3; Isaiah 64:6)

  2. Satan's work as an accuser (1-2; Job 1:9-11, 2:4-5)

  3. The substitutionary work of Christ, as His righteous garments are
    put on the believer (3-5)
    II. Application: The clothing of Joshua, and our clothing with the
    righteousness of Christ, is only possible because of the Branch
    , a clear reference to Christ (8, 9):

  4. If we have saving faith in Christ, it is by God's grace and electing love (2c),

as we are "snatched from the fire" (2d)

  1. If we are clothed in Christ's righteousness, we must live godly
    lives (6-7)

  2. It is only the redeemed who have true security and peace,
    represented by the vine and the fig tree (10), and realized
    through saving faith in Christ alone (Rom. 5:1, 8:1; Phil. 4:7)

Nov 10, 2024
Sunday - AM
Zechariah 3-10
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