
The Reformer's Persecution pt 1(The Proto-Reformers)

Lets learn about our history!

Seven months after the Counsel began, Huss was brought to the cathedral on Saturday July 6th at 6am. He was placed standing on a stool in front of all the community and forbidden to give an answer to the charges against him, Instead the Bishop of Lodi preached romans 6:6 and explained it is an act of faith to destroy the heretics and it pleases God to burn them alive. Huss was condemned and committed to Satan to which he said I commit myself to the most gracious Jesus.With the condemnation in place the Cardinal turned Huss over to King Sigismund who had promised him safe passage. Huss stared at the king as the sentence of death was given.
the King was so convicted that it is reported that he turned away and began to cry out loud. The king then said aloud '“Go, take him and do to him as a heretic.” and with that Huss was marched down the streets in public to be executed.The streets were full and the crowd was great, and Huss was marched to the Devils Place.
He knelt down and prayed with tears and stood back up.

At midday on May 30, 1416, his hands were tied behind his back and his neck bound to the stake by a chain. The wood and straw were stacked to his neck. He was offered another chance to recant, and a priest to hear his confession into the church.“There is no need of one. I have no mortal sin.”

Sep 21, 2014
Sunday - AM
Matthew 10:16-25
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