An Evangelistic Church 21st
11 Sermons

We live at the end of the church age when the vast majority of churches are apostate. Jesus said, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Mt. 24:12).

A great many Bible-believing churches have grown lukewarm about evangelism. I hear preachers saying things like this: “People don’t want to hear. There is just no interest. We’ve tried everything. Decades ago we could knock on 100 doors and get a new family added to the church. Today you can knock on a thousand or five thousand and get nothing.”

We need to understand that God is just as zealous today for the Great Commission and evangelism as He was in the first century. If His people will rise up and do what He has commanded, He is with them. He is ready to work. We have the same power for salvation and power for Christian living as they had in the first century.

11 Sermons