Keeping The Kids - 2023
32 Sermons

This book is a collaborative effort. The book was written by
David Cloud, but it is a book containing the testimonies of a
large number of people. We have received feedback from
roughly 500 individuals. Before I wrote the first edition of this
book in 2010, I took a survey of the fundamental Baptist
churches represented on the Fundamental Baptist Information
Service mailing list. I sought feedback on the question “How can
we keep the kids?” I received about 400 responses. In 2023, I
posted the question again and received about 100 responses.
Also, I have personally interviewed many pastors, missionaries,
and others who have raised godly children.

My objective is not to condemn Christian parents that have not
experienced success with their children, but we should learn
from our mistakes so the next generation won’t repeat them. I
don’t want to discourage anyone. I want to help God’s people
redeem the next generations for Christ and His great program of world evangelism.

32 Sermons