The Frederick Faith Debate is designed to be an open an honest forum for faith community leaders to share and discuss their views of the truth. Lady Bird Johnson once said, “the clash of ideas is the sound of freedom”. In that spirit, the show seriously wrestles with important ideas, with the participants often disagreeing with one another. The hope is that through this wrestling a better understanding of the truth will develop with regard to the most important issues facing the world.
In other words, The Frederick Faith Debate is home to conflict in pursuit of resolution, on the issues that matter most. Nothing can truly be resolved without understanding, and authentic understanding cannot be gained without honesty. So, that’s what you get here; a safe haven for honesty. The panelists share what they hold to be true and why. Where there is disagreement, an effort is made to hash it out. Because guests know why they’re here, there’s little worry over hurt feelings. At the end, if those in the discus