10 Sermons

Jude Shield-up.Jude says, "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith." Salvation is the foundation, but there is a structure that is to be built on that foundation. Being saved is the starting point not the stopping place. Salvation is where we get in, but there is the matter of going on. Jude describes it as a developing process.If there is not a proper foundation, it is impossible to build a strong and sturdy building. It all begins with the truth of the word of God.There are many that belong to a Church who have never been saved. Many are professors but they are not possessors. They are religious but they are not saved.Jude wrote to the same believers who had received Peter’s letters, intending to stir them up and remind them to take Peter’s warnings to heart. You will discover a few of parallels between Jude and 2 Peter as you study this fascinating but neglected letter.

10 Sermons