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Pastor Mike preaches on the Fall of Man this morning.
Genesis 3:6-9
Where are you Adam?
If you are told that you are an animal long enough, you may well act like an animal.
What is the answer to all of this?
Gender and sexuality issues
Adam was running from God. Adam was afraid and so he ran from God
His Condition. One rule, you can't eat from this bush in the garden.
Since the fall, there has been a laziness in man, a resistance to working.
Its the condition of all of us.
Fearful of the presence of the Lord God
Of the judgement of the Lord God.
In relationship to the Lord God
In relationship to each other
In relationship to creation
When the Lord kicked Adam and Eve out of the Garden, that was an act of judgement and an act of grace.
Abel was a righteous man
Death has come to all mankind
His conscience. Awakened to his nakedness sin
Weakness. Need humiliation
Aware of his guilt before God
Sin is ultimately rebellion against God.
Each of us has a rebel's heart
His covering.
Man's effort in insufficient
No self effort
No ritual
No self-righteousness
THE NEED FOR A substitute
One that is innocent. One that is pure
The need of a sacrifice
A blood sacrifice.
Death must be met by death.
God was in Christ Jesus reconciling them to himself.