Gospel of John — 12 Cities in 12 Months

Gospel of John Re-launch!
We're living in a world that is sinking in disinformation, deepfakes, and outright deception. We cannot tell what is true and what is artificial anymore. In the midst of this sea of lies, it seems that more than ever there is a desire to find that which is true. In an interview, Elon Musk said:
"I care a lot about the truth of things and trying to understand the truth of things. I think that's important. If you're going to come up with some solution, then the truth is really, really important."
People today are asking the same question that a Roman governor once asked over 2,000 years ago, "What is truth?" Jesus Christ declared in John 14:6, "I AM THE WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by me."
We have re-launched our Gospel of John Project for 2025 in partnership with the Trinitarian Bible Society and are seeking to reach 12 cities in 12 months. Each month we will mail out an attractive Gospel of John booklet to at least 10,000 homes -- until we reach 120,000 homes by the end of the year.
Your Church Listed
If you are a broadcaster, this is an invitation to include your church on the inside front cover of each booklet and on the landing page of the campaign website. Email us ([email protected]) with your Broadcaster ID along with the desired support amount (minimum: $250) before your city's mailing is complete to ensure that your church will be included. The amount will be added to your next month's bill.
January, 2025 | New York City
- Goal: 10,000 homes
- Website: www.sermonaudio.com/goj/nyc
A great big thank you to our supporting churches:
- New York Gospel Ministries - Bill Jones
- Heritage Baptist Church (NYC) - Matt Recker
- The Haven, OPC - William Shishko
- Heritage Reformed Congregation
- Grace Baptist Church - Tim Richmond
- Maranatha Baptist Church - Matt Austin
- Sugar Land Bible Church - Andrew Woods
- Fellowship Bible Church - Louis DeVizia
February, 2025 | Phoenix, AZ
- Goal: 10,000 homes
- Website: www.sermonaudio.com/goj/phoenix
A great big thank you to our supporting churches:
- Phoenix FPC - Craig Vosekalns
- Witness4Christ - Tim Gardner
- Heritage Baptist Church - Jason Young
Email us at [email protected] if you are interested in participating in this campaign.
March, 2025 | Kingsport, TN
- Goal: 10,000 homes
- Website: www.sermonaudio.com/goj/kingsport
Email us at [email protected] if you are interested in participating in this campaign.
Possible Remaining Cities for 2025
These are the cities that we hope to reach in 2025:
- Greenville, South Carolina
- Orlando, Florida
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Charleston, South Carolina
- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Key West, Florida
- Washington, DC
- Los Angeles, California
- Starbase, Texas