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Sermon8/26/16 9:13 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I enjoy the sermons as well. Super interesting. Does a lot of research. Discusses the topics that so many modern churches avoid. Wish there was a church like this near me. I hope the members know how blessed they are.

Sermon7/25/16 3:50 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon. i have also read about the bestiality being legalized in Canada b their Supreme Court. I was doing chores and started to hyperventilate when the pastor mentioned about children and bestiality. Evil on steroids. I, too, caught the remark by Mr. Thiel of PayPal at the RNC last Thursday night. Apparently, the social issues I care about most are inconsequential now. I watched as his remarks were met with thunderous applause. It also strikes me as odd that if these issues like bathroom bills are unimportant, why would PayPal pull 400 jobs from North Carolina? As far as the DNC goes, I can't even watch because it upsets me too much. I understand Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood is scheduled to speak. They are still selling baby parts online, like nothing ever happened... God bless and keep speaking the truth, Pastor Lawson.

Sermon6/23/16 6:26 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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The Man Born Blind
Charles Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Just listened to your whole series on the cathedrals. Very interesting and informative. Would love the know the name of the book about how Darwinism has caused untold misery to millions. (It has-I understand now). Darwinism and evolution were taught me non-stop throughout my education. It took getting saved to remove this belief system! Thanks again for your ministry. I like that you speak about hell and sins, which the emerging church lacks, and your message is strong, but you never lose your humility. God bless.

Sermon6/2/16 8:29 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Why is it that the animals and insects can tell between male and female, yet many humans can't seem to? Example: we adopted a puppy from a pet rescue group years ago. We considered adopting her mother as well. Since our dog's mother had been abused by men in a bad puppy mill situation, she learned to become fearful of male humans. Since my husband is a male, the rescue group said the momma would know this and have many issues.. Thus, she couldn't be adopted by us. My point? A dog can tell between male and female humans! Right now, June 2016, we are experiencing the emergence of the 17 year periodical cicadas. It's an amazing phenomenon I've never experienced and reminds me of God's awesome creations. The males cicadas by the billions call out to the females, and a new generation results. The insects know who is male and female! I love your sermons. God bless you all.

Sermon6/1/16 6:06 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor.

Sermon5/31/16 7:02 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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God Gave Them Up
Charles Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Our Republican governor, Kasich, did not participate in the lawsuit. What you talked about was so on point. I feel the spirit of anti-Christ almost everywhere I go. The mainline churches support this insanity. We live in a world where the consciences of large swaths of the population are unfathed by the most degenerate and evil of acts. When Clinton and Sanders are fine with an unborn baby being murdered up to birth, and sliced open alive for parts, you know you are living in an especially wicked society. My soul feels like I don't belong here. God bless, Pastor.

Sermon5/23/16 9:19 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Agreed. I need to listen because ever since I got saved @ 8 years ago, I began to see so much of the sin in this world revealed on a daily basis. Thank you, Pastor.

Sermon4/18/16 6:42 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi Pastor- Told my husband about your sermons and we listened yesterday. He said he used to listen to you years ago when he lived in Knoxville. Everything you're talking about here is true, especially how they're teaching children ungodly things in the schools and media (which they've been doing for decades). God bless you and your congregation.

Sermon4/11/16 7:43 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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How Bad It Really Is
Charles Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Feel like you do. Pretty much alone in my family for being a Bible believer. You are right on about the Republican Party. Know people voting Republican for decades, going to liberal Christian churches. There really is no doctrinal difference between them and the most godless atheist or pagan on social issues. Pointed out to family member that his PresbyterianUSA church supports the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. It does. He was furious at me for daring to point that out (he's "pro-choice"). Not allowed to even speak at family events unless I agree with them. Stayed silent for years for fear of offending. I slowly "came out if the closet" as a pro-life, pro-family Christian conservative. There is no relationship anymore. I find I cannot fellowship with those with Hillary or Sanders bumper stickers. Family member thrilled when one of the kids was pursuing a Master's degree in either Gender Studies or Women's Studies. Felt sick. I have been shunned (and mocked) from very leftist family. I know this comes with truly following the Bible, not cafeteria-style Christianity. All I do today is hold them in prayer. And I thank God for showing me the truth.

Sermon4/11/16 3:30 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ My testimony ”
If link to above testimony does not work, here's another way to read it: Google: my only child (graphic) + abortion it is not easy to read. My. first exposure to "pro-choice" (no baby should ever be a "choice"-so I detest this Madison Avenue created term), was in my public school, through U.N. sponsored social studies class "Year of the Woman" field trip. How easy it was to brainwash and indoctrinate a 15 year old. Always presented through euphemistic language, which makes me cringe. I am about to get real here. ("I am the way, the truth and the life.") THE ONLY TIME IN MY LIFE I GOT TO TOUCH MY CHILD WAS HOLDING HIS TINY, SHREDDED BLOODIED BODY PARTS IN KLEENEX, DUE TO INCOMPLETE ABORTION--Traumatizing me for life. I crave hugging this baby I love so much. I thank God for His mercy for even this sin and daily healing.

Sermon4/4/16 9:29 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Of Pollywogs and Monkeys... ”
Kids from the public schools are taught (like I was) that what exists in the human womb, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, is pretty much pre-human primordial life. I remember very primitive and minimalistic line drawings that represented such life. Pro-life censored. Then, we descended from apes... All manner of abortifacients & abortion as an option were taught. Christianity was mocked & chastity considered old-fashioned. They pumped some pretty lurid Rock n Roll into the halls. At age 15, I attended United Nations "Year of the Woman" rife with feminists. Came home with "pro-choice" literature & a condom. Parents unaware. Lost my way in art school & college. With respect to transparency, here is my story if you care to read it: I don't mince words. It gets graphic to fight the euphemistic language of the abortion cartel. I am a highly repentant post-abortive mother. I have a story to tell. In one instance, I spoke to a group of pro-life Christian kids, who go to the clinics in Ohio. The leader's wife was reading "Tatooed Jesus" (in my library). I gave the kids my extra copy of book about the men who destroyed the West. I care deeply about this issue--more so than any other issue. Thanks for the show.

Sermon4/2/16 5:01 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ The LGBTQ & Abortion Biz ”
Are they one & the same? Why do I ask? Have deeply cared about the pro-life issue for years, but I almost always see this fellowship between lesbians, etc. & those who run the clinics. NARAL + accompanying "clinic" near me rented out a bowling alley for a fundraiser for abortions. As a business owner, if I owned that bowling alley, I could not rent for their purposes. The group looked very LGBTQ. What would happen to me if I declined their business because it violates my deeply held pro-life convictions? Can they use the LGBTQ card? Also, you gave made many comments on Donald Trump, which I desperately need to try to discern this election through a Christian lens. What are your thoughts about what he said to Chris Matthews of MSNBC about the scenario where if abortion were illegal, should aborting mothers bear some legal complicity, & thereby be in part punished? I deeply struggle with this question. Especially coming from my hardcore leftist public school/university "pro-choice" indoctrination. I believe many who commit abortion (not all) are woefully misinformed of the gravity & reality of the act until too late. Suicide rates skyrocket. I am in the grey area. No punishment at all diminishes the act, while I am not convinced stringing them up is an answer. Thoughts?

Sermon3/11/16 1:29 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ You're doing your job. ”
If the Huffington Post attacked you, God bless you. Thank you for having the courage the speak out on these issues. I think you also qualified for some "right-wing-watch" hate groups, if I am not mistaken. Early last summer, my pro-gay marriage PresbyterianUSA brother approached me for my opinion on the gay marriage issue. Using what I have learned from the Bible, and referring to all sexual sin (humbly including my own as a saved Christian, I told him that I did not agree). He and his adult child he had brought with him had implied that churches that didn't agree with them are basically bigoted. When I gently disagreed with him when asked. He didn't know what to say or do and packed up and left immediately. Because I made a few posts about said incident on SermonAudio on another pastor's site, a Presbyterian website is now creeping and copying every remark I have ever stated on SermonAudio. My crime? I disagreed with leftist ideology. I came out of extreme leftist indoctrination. Got saved. I told my husband recently: I refuse to lie and I discern everything for truth and righteousness. I am also an ex Girl Scout, which I no longer support.

Sermon3/3/16 8:34 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ California AB 154 ”
Governor Jerry Brown passed this to expand abortion "care"-non-physicians can do this now before 13 weeks... But-it's ILLEGAL to burn firewood in the Bay Area--with fears of being turned in with fat fines... "Because it could cause reproductive harm." No wonder Ben Shapiro got mobbed. These are the fascists who is running California and the universities. I came out of this environment, undrank the Kool-Aid and now feel like a dissident in my own country.

Sermon3/3/16 8:14 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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“ Liked the remarks ”
I didn't think I would actually laugh listening to the title of this broadcast, but I did. It was great what you said California Christian pregnancy resource centers. Use unreadable fonts... Put a lot of other graphic "noise" on the wall to compete... Another suggestion; Use a filter on the font so it's light grey :-)!!! Interesting thing about California: bought some firewood recently. On the tag it mentioned some law in California about how it's illegal to use it. I looked it up. Sure enough: in the Bay Area right now, I can be fined for having a wood-burning fire, with a $500 fine per occurrence. There is also a special Gestapo type line you can call to report your neighbor, and they'll come out and investigate! Why? It's considered toxic and can cause reproductive harm. Yet Jerry Brown made it super easy for non-doctors to perform abortions... FYI: have "The Witch" playing in theaters everywhere right now.

Sermon2/27/16 6:30 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ What I am trying to say... ”
and not be reactive (which I can do). And I can be wrong. I got bullied all day yesterday--remained a peaceful person--no matter what. But I have remained under attack from PresbyterianUSA brother for awhile for DARING to disagree with leftist views. Silenced, mocked and shunned. Silenced into submission/put on notice for daring speak up for (after years of being afraid) what the Bible stands for. I come under attack, it's going to cost and yes, I would give my life for my Christian faith. Right now I feel a little angry that you feel women should have no voice. That's rare. I read the online attacks against you and wish you no harm whatsoever and pray a hedge of protection. It's so vile. I won't even look at it. I want only good and blessings for you and yours. But I have to have have a voice in this crazy evil world.

Sermon2/27/16 11:18 AM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Honest Inquiry... ”
Last June, my brother, whose 501c3 PresbyterianUSA church, which supports the LGBTQ agenda and has them in the pulpit, as well as supports abortion, approached me about "gay marriage." His also had his daughter with him and my husband was at work. Long story short, I used the Bible to defend traditional marriage and did it in a respectful manner. My Mom was dying at the time. My 2 brothers belong to liberal Christianity and sister is a feminist Buddhist at Unitarian church. I had to fight and fight alone to have even the slightest representation of Christianity at Mom's funeral. Raised a Christian, she died in August. Worked with her her last year of life and believe she repented. Brother laughed at wake that she might be in hell... I gently told him this offended me. (Rich with goods, he had abandoned her in her old age, which I pray he repents of--but I say nothing.) But I'm just a woman, a nobody, over the age of 50, so virtually nothing I say anywhere matters. Gloria Steinem is the same way regarding the absolute disregard of the opinion of men.

Sermon2/20/16 4:04 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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The Feminist Movement Part 1
Jason Cooley
“ Your acoustics in 2015 are better ”
In my humble opinion, the later sermons are clearer. It may just be me... Not trying to be critical--appreciate these, believe me. Quick comment: I believe God has a sense of humor (He created it!). Around 2001, feminist sister gave me a copy of Gloria Steinem's Revolution from Within. This was 7 years before I became saved. The book was so revolting to me, even then, I couldn't complete it. It spewed a lot of hate toward men and seemed to blame them for everything wrong in society. Here's what's funny: what my sister thought would further indoctrinate me into feminism actually had the opposite effect. As I was reading this, I realized I don't hate the men in my life or men in general--and never have. Gloria Steinem's book made me reject feminism and turn to Christianity--and I don't mean liberal apostate Christisnity either... God speaks to us in weird ways.

Sermon2/17/16 1:20 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Thank you, Aaron ”
Listened to all of your testimony. See a lot of parallels between my conversion story and yours. I was also in a slimy pit and suicidal. I repented and became born again right before Obama took office in 2009 during second suicide attempt, using benzodiazepines. Cried for 4 days straight--repenting and begging forgiveness for all my very grievous sins. Those suicidal feelings lifted and never returned. Everything changed then. I thank God that doctor intervened when your mom was pregnant with you, saving a precious fatherless baby boy. Your life illustrates God's grace and transformative power. God bless you. Sent from my iPad

Sermon2/12/16 7:49 PM
Kathryn | Ohio  Find all comments by Kathryn
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Ear lobe gougings & septum piercings abound... ”
At the 2 closest pet food stores near us, I am now unable to buy supplies for our pets without, in almost every occasion, dealing with employees with the septum piercings. I had an incident recently where I was purchasing food from an extremely obese, blue-dyed hair, tatted up young woman. I was very polite and respectful. But what I absolutely am repulsed by is the septum piercing she had, and I could not even look at her face due to the huge bull-like nose rings. I had to leave. Don't want to see jewelry with mucous on it. I now order online. I know to pray about her because she is made in God's image, but I just can't look at that. Am I wrong?
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