Trinity Bible Church

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About Trinity Bible Church
Trinity Bible Church is a body of Church Age believer-priests in Christ. Trinity Bible Church's primary emphasis is teaching the counsel of God’s Word line upon line, precept upon precept. This teaching, in turn, provides for God’s working in and through us for His good pleasure.

About our Pastor
Pastor David Works, an incurable autodidact, also received training at Trinity Bible Church under Pastor John Page and from Chafer Theological Seminary. His training includes studies in Biblical hermeneutics, the original Biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew, systematic theology, and church history.

Pastor David became the 4th pastor of Trinity Bible Church in October of 2021.

Bible Teaching
We teach Isagogically.
That means we consider the historical, geographical, economic, political, & cultural elements of the time period in which the Scriptures were written. An accurate interpretation of the Word of God without such due consideration is impossible.

We teach Categorically.
That means we develop particular topics, or doctrines of Scripture, according to the entire revealed Word of God. We correlate each doctrine to other doctrines in Scripture and to the overall revelation of God’s Word. For example, the Doctrine of Soteriology (salvation) would have several other doctrines included within and related to it, such as the Doctrine of Redemption, the Doctrine of Justification, the Doctrine of Reconciliation, the Doctrine of Propitiation, etc. An accurate interpretation of any portion of Scripture is impossible without understanding how that portion relates to the entire body of Scriptures.

We teach Exegetically.
That means we teach verse-by-verse from the original Hebrew and Greek texts. An accurate interpretation of God’s Word must include an accurate understanding of the original meaning of the original words to the original audience of each particular passage of Scripture.

Trinity Bible Church is an independent local church, denominationally unaffiliated (non-denominational)—our services center on the teaching of the Bible. Hundreds of independent local churches exist today, proclaiming, as we do, historic Biblical Christianity. We desire to teach the Bible, encourage each other in the faith, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Trinity Bible Church maintains a high degree of doctrinal purity because it has a detailed doctrinal statement and constitution, which each applicant must acknowledge before he is accepted for membership. We do not pressure any individual to become a member, believing fellowship, not membership, is the issue.

We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ and is the work of God apart from human works or merit. In doctrine, we are grace-oriented, premillennial, and dispensational.

Trinity Bible Church is financed through the volitional grace-giving of its members and supporters. No one is ever asked or pressured to give. We do not resort to pledges, assessments, tithes, or promises to raise funds. We do look by faith to God the Father alone to supply our church's needs.

Basic Information
Jun 9, 2023
Listen Line
Listen to our live webcast using any phone without the need for internet data. Simply call (712) 432-3410 and when prompted, enter the Church Code: 76617.
Service Times

Sunday Morning 1st Service 9:30am
Sunday Morning 2nd Service 11:00am (contiguous teaching)
Sunday Morning Evening Service 7:00pm (Names of God)
Wednesday Evening Service 7:00pm (Ezekiel Study)
Wednesday Evening Prayer 6:30pm

Trinity Bible Church 2645 South Stage Road Medford, Oregon 97501