By God’s grace and through His Word,
we will cultivate in the hearts of God’s people
a passion for the supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ
magnified in love for Him,
manifested in love for one another,
and multiplied by love for the lost.
Savoring the Supremacy of God
Our vision is magnifying God
as the all-satisfying object of our lives
in worship and service, here and forever.
Studying the Word of God
Our vision is understanding the Scriptures throughHoly Spirit enabled exposition and application
in both public and private ministry
and in its large picture and the immediate texts.
Shaping the People of God
Our vision is having minds, affections,and wills
transformed by the Word of God
so that God is magnified by an obeying faith in every sphere of our lives.
Spreading the Gospel of God
Our vision is proclaiming the gospel to all the people groups
so that God is glorified in every tribe, language, and people group.